
Location and contacts


Address: Adega Cooperativa de Mangualde, CRL., Zona Industrial do Salgueiro, 3530-259 Mangualde, Portugal

Phone number: 00351 232 623 845

Fax: 00351 232 611 729

Business hours:

Offices: Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12:30 am, and from 2 pm to 6 pm

Winery Store: Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12:30 am, and from 2 pm to 6 pm

GPS coordinates: 40°36'10.0"N 7°47'17.0"W

Google maps

Travel indications:

Coming from Lisbon: Take the A1 highway (North direction). When arriving to Coimbra, take the IP3, then, before Santa Comba Dão, take the IC12 and follow the signs to Mangualde.

Coming from Porto: Take the A1 highway (South direction). At Albergaria, take the A25 (direction Guarda) and follow the traffic signs to Mangualde.

Traveling by train: Mangualde’s train station is one of the most important of Beira Alta’s line. You may check the schedule on



Financial department

Oenology department

Sales department

Winery Store

Enotourism department